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K.I.S.H. Magazine Exclusive Interview featuring World-Changers Apostle Jerry L. & Prophetess Dr. Cheryl Marks!

KISH: Who is Apostle Jerry L. & Prophetess Dr. Cheryl Marks?

Apostle Jerry & Dr. Cheryl Marks: We are the Senior Pastors of Power For Life Ministries Int’l, located in the beautiful city of Byron, Georgia. Together, we are passionately promoting kingdom living while bringing others into the true understanding of the kingdom concept as we wield our power and authority as co-rulers in Christ, all while fulfilling our God-inspired purpose here in the earth.

We are business minded people who worked in leadership positions in Corporate America. We are Real- Estate Investors, Entrepreneurs, Life-Strategists, Leadership & Marketplace Consultants, as well as Marriage and Business Consultants.

God has blessed us and allowed us to incorporate much of what we learned in the Market Place into how we do ministry, with the Word & Holy Spirit being first in all things. As a result, we have become Kingdom Educators, educating people on how to be fruitful, prosperous, and productive both in the Kingdom of God and the Market Place.

We are Co- Laborers in Christ with an emphasis on bringing many into being sons & daughters of the Most High God!

KISH: As a husband-and-wife team, what is it like for you all working together in ministry?

CM: Working together in ministry is one of the key elements that has unified our marriage; because it reminds us daily to love one another as Christ loved the church, He gave up His life for her.

JM: It is Awesome seeing each growing in God and seeing how amazing God truly is as He manifest His will in and through each of us. AWESOME!!

KISH: What are some of the key leadership components that you learned in the marketplace that you now utilize in the kingdom to run a successful ministry?

JM: One of the first thing that I would say is that “The Title Doesn’t Make The Man, The Man Makes the Title!”

I learned the Importance of leading by example and doing the right thing all the time.

One of the greatest wisdom nuggets I have learned throughout life is that “People do not really want to know how much you know before they know how much you CARE!!!”

I think it is important for anyone who is in leadership or desire to be in leadership to understand that your followers or subordinates are not impressed or inspired by someone who does not reflect what they as the leader demands.

Courage, strength, determination, confidence, & self-motivation are extremely important for your success and the overall success of your organization.

I learned that there is no business or organization that cannot be turned around with the right Leader and leadership team in position. A strong but compassionate leader can be one of the most effective & inspiring leaders!

Your money, the size of your organization or institution, nor your name is your Greatest Asset, your people ARE!!!

Finally, do not let how people see you, even those over you, limit you or your dreams. Learn what is needed for you to achieve your dreams and prepare yourself, beginning with self-belief and self-confidence and go get what you WANT!!!

KISH: As a 21st Century leader, what has been one of the most challenging things about ministry?

CM: Leading God’s people is unlike any other task in the world, which is why it requires a calling by God and of the Holy Spirit. One of the most challenging things that we have observed is getting people to really trust God for His plans for their lives, especially the role of a Shepherd and to take His word for the absolute truth.

KISH: Share with us one of your major accomplishments rather in your personal life or in ministry.

CM: I think we both agree that disabling the strong man of poverty has been one of our chief foremost accomplishments.

KISH. Tell us more about Power For Life Ministries Int’l.

PFLMI is a Five-Fold Ministry which diligently harness the POWER of Ephesians 4:12-16 ESV “equipping the saints for the work of ministry, building up the Body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in LOVE.

Our focus is to teach people how to build their lives upon the Word of God with Christ Jesus being the Chief Corner Stone while enlightening, equipping, empowering, and training them to be all, to do all, and to have all that God has predestined each us to do, to be, and to have! All our services are filled with the Spirit of God with many miracles, signs & wonders happening in our midst.

We are a ministry that believes in prayer and the Love of God!!! One of the highest compliments we receive from people who attend or have attended our services is that, “they can feel the LOVE upon entering the building,” and this a credit to the relationship we have with our Lord & Savior!!!

We are working to tear down all things that separates man from God as well as each other, and in the midst of doing so we are believing for a Great Move of God in our communities, cities, regions, states and our Nation. We are promoting the, “let us approach,” to doing ministry whether in the local Church or the Corporate Body (Psalm 133).

God has given us a dream & vision to raise up Tomorrows Leaders with a Futuristic View according to His Vision for the Earth both in the Church & the Market Place. Come see us @ Ascending Leaders Academy!!!

Final thoughts: Apostle Marks, please complete this sentence: If given an unlimited supply of money and a functioning team I would——– “I would create the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth by taking the model of the early Church of the Book of Acts. I would create communities where believers could have access to everything needed in order to live and have a proper life. In Acts each person sold all they had and made sure everyone had. I would create God inspired Communities each with its own economy consisting of jobs, businesses, banks, schools, medical facilities, farms, grocery stores, clothing industry, and educational institutions where all would be operated according to God’s Spirit and His Word!!!!

In closing, many talk about the things or conditions of the end-times with little action, but I would prepare a place where all who would enter in, could feel safe and not have to worry about how we are going to make it!!!!!!!






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